Out of Exile: A Eulogy

The 27 Club “Someone who Must Not Be Contradicted said that a man must be a success by the time he’s thirty, or never.” “To have reached thirty,” said Reginald, “is to have failed in life.” Reginald , the easy-going hero of some of Saki ’s best short stories, probably uttered those words like I imagine he did all others- with a shrug of detachment and just enough cynicism to come across as worldly without sounding unwise. Words that could have come out of the mouths of any of my first musical heroes- Layne Staley, Andrew Wood, Kurt Cobain. Not to mention pioneering artist Jean-Michel Basquiat who approached life with such lightness of being, deftness of touch, that he deserves a whole musical genre unto himself. But those words would not have felt nearly as natural coming from Chris Cornell- not even during or after his hard-drinking, dragon-puffing heyday. Cornell was the boy-done-good and lately, the Grand Old Man, of the grunge music scen...